Saturday 30 September 2017

Album of the Month: HIPPOPOTAMUS by Sparks

Any argument about "Luciferian Towers" being the best album of the month stands no chance. It's a wonderful record no doubt, Godspeed's best since Yanqui U.X.O., but there's just no way those wily Canadians could come up with a song title as brilliant as "So Tell Me Mrs. Lincoln Aside From That How Was The Play?"  

I have to say - I didn't like the way it started. "Hippopotamus" was an ill-advised choice for the first single, the cover picture was no Passionoia, and 15 songs seemed far-fetched. But I needn't have worried. "Hippopotamus" works amazingly well in the context of the album. There's a real menace in the eyes of the beast. And, most crucially, I can't find one song here I would wish to cut out. 

Well, let's see. "Missionary Position" may be no Christopher Hitchens' book of the same name, but it's as good as anything on Kimono My House (the lyrics are phenomenal, of course). "Scandinavian Design" is "Norwegian Wood" for 2017. "Giddy Giddy" is both annoying and terrific and is one hell of an improvement over "Here Kitty". "Bummer" starts like "Perfume" and never lets go. "I Wish You Were Fun" is lightweight Sparks perfection. "When You're French Director" is a playful duet with Leos Carax

It's all fucking wonderful. Seriously, with the possible exception of the slightly underwhelming "Unaware", this is good, clean, deranged fun. Almost an hour of that. Hippopotamus has the best set of melodies you will hear all year (unless you count the Luke Haines solo anthology that has just been released). And you don't need more, do you?